Monday, September 10, 2007

monday blues...

i don't know why but today, i am just struck by the typical monday blues... i just felt depressed...

i guess it was a weekend of inactivity... not much was accomplished during those few days... came monday, that inactivity turned into depression... not that i am depressed in a big way...

though, i am a bit depressed... it is already september... time passed by so quickly and little has been accomplished in this year... i was online with a friend relating how depressed i was because i was having a bad hair day... i think the bad hair day was the non-issue, but being in a depressive mode... not big time depressed, but a bit down...

to top it, i broke some china tonight when i did the wash-up.. not a big deal but just plain bad luck.. i think it came down to last friday's astrology prediction for my week.. a bad week for me; that was the prediction.. not that i believe in that, but it was not exactly the good news i want to hear..

it is one of those times, i guess.. i guess it is one of those time i crave some some human contact.. to connect on a different level than online.. emotional connection.. hahaha.. as if to sound more sophisticated that i really am..

maybe it is the changing of the northern hemisphere season as fall/autumn sets in.. where the color palatte changes to more earth tones.. where everything goes into hybernation.. and probably that is what i am doing, hybernating.. a conflict..

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