Saturday, October 31, 2009

it fits..

it has been quite a good feeling, to actually have clothes that fit me.. all these while, i have been buying clothes that does not fit me.. not because i buy one size too small or anything.. but the smallest size, S often is still too big for me..

and then there is JAPAN.. my size is consider aplenty here.. i can find that elusive size.. XS for men.. hehe..

ok.. i am petite.. but where it matters, it is not petite.. hahahahaha..

anyway, back to the clothes.. as it is autumn and entering winter, most of the clothing are catered for the upcoming cooler temperatures.. but still there are some stuff for yours truly to get..

today is halloween.. but japan does have some form of celebration for this day.. anyway, there is a parade going on at kawasaki which i will go and check out later..

today is a hot day in tokyo.. 22 degrees is considered warmish.. people would love this sort of weather, but it is a tad warm for me.. oh well..

Saturday, October 24, 2009


其實,也沒有啦。。 小頌知己有點烏龍。。 沒查清楚,不知道今天那辦機被取消了。。 就要等下一辦咯。。

終於等到放假咯。。 現在也沒能放鬆。。 可能要等到目的地的時候,才會開始 relax。。

等待到達那計畫好久的地方, 被拖延有覺得不爽。。沒辦法,就忍耐一下下。。

就。。 期待快到。。

Saturday, July 11, 2009


國外朋友:忽然有個衝動想回國。 。
小頌: 現在機票都在打折,可以回國了。 。哈哈。 。
國外朋友:可是,我兒子的護照還沒辦呢。 。要一個月。 。
小頌: 哦!! 原來如此。 。那就,GOOD LUC咯。 。

以上是那天跟朋友聊到的。 。也對啦,不能那麼的隨性。 。自己終始沒有想到別人有很不一樣的生活節奏,需求。 。

有些時候,都只想跟他們報導有很划算的機票。 。並沒有要對方作什麼,是個開頭話題吧。 。可是就被他們打搶。 。

有點敏感,不太習慣被這樣的答复。 。

好啦。 。不講那個。 。前一陣子有上網查吉隆坡~東京來回機票是RM14XX,可昨天在查一次,只有RM13XX。 。是同一個時間出發喔。 。所以,機票又會在打折。 。如果有想出門的朋友,可以撿到便宜。 。

有點想出國走走。 。透透氣跟看看外面的世界。 。最近為工作有點煩,也很累。 。所以有知道那些在加班的朋友很辛苦。 。

還有,H1N1也沒那麼可怕。 。可以克服這恐懼的話,出門不成問題。 。

現在只需簽中那多多。 。或萬字。 。

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


今天是 0701, 是 2009 年的第182 天。。

0702 是
183 天。。 也就是講,也過半年了。。 剩下182天,就迎接2010年。。 好快喔。。

近半年來,很多事在改變。。 正在調整當中。。換了工作,在換掉上司。。 工作量增加了。。不知道在這部分的表現有沒有過半??




做為人子,兄長,朋友,等。。 有沒有敬到小頌應該做得。。 有過半嗎??


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


最近天氣好炎熱。。 氣象局說會熱到 八月九月。。 溫度在35°C 上下。。

其實, 在辦公室還好, 可是, 一回到家,哇靠!!熱的好凶。。 啥都是熱的。。 沖涼水也不需要先開熱水機把它熱一熱。。 就是那麼熱。。 還是開到最冷的那部份。。 夭壽!! 好了,沖完, 衣服也是溫的。。出門去買
個便當,就會一直流汗到全身都溼掉。。 那個,車,馬路,等等都還是熱的。。

好懷念冬天。。 開冷氣機?? 不一樣。。 冬天的冷跟空調的冷差很多呢。。

冬天的冷很舒服。。 (冷也有分舒服的程度阿??) 對。。 冬天的冷, 是啥都冷掉。。 穿的暖暖的, 避寒。。 也不覺得頭痛或什麼的。。 可是, 如果開冷氣機的話,太冷會頭痛,流鼻涕。。 穿的多,又會覺得太誇張。。 還有,雖然房間的溫度降下,但東西還是熱熱的。。 即便房間里的溫度很舒服了, 房間外的溫差,會造成身體的負擔。。 要迅速調試不一樣的溫差。。 不好受。。

為什麼天氣會這麼熱?? 對啦,每年都在這幾個月,溫度會升高。。可是近年來,那個 (°C) 越來越高。。 地球暖化造成炎熱的天氣。。

可能要很很很很。。。關心咱們的地球咯。。 少開冷氣機。。 那個, 比較難!! 實在太熱了。。 連裸睡也是在冒汗!!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

what money can't buy..

"Money doesn't buy you happiness. But it buys you a big enough yacht to sail right up to it." Johnny Depp

p.s. Apple Inc. upgraded its Macbook line up.. I need to be on that yacht..

Monday, June 8, 2009

開工咯。 。

一個星期的休假結束了。 。回到工作崗位上。

休假期間,也沒做很多。 。可是,看到跟體會到不一樣的東西。

一些心得。 原來


03.想停慢下來腳步,去看看那每天都沒時間去欣賞的風景~~沒做到 。可能就是那反正以後都還有時間跟機會,那景色也不會跑掉的心態把。
.休假不看新聞,地球照樣轉。 。事故照樣發生。
.中午的電視好無聊。 。沒太多好看的。 。都是在重複。
.去購物廣場也很無聊,如果沒想買什麼的。 。也要跟那些放假的學生擠在一起 。也過了學生時期,就不太想跟他們擠在一 起。 好啦。 。被講還長得像學生,有點暗爽。

08.天氣熱的時候,大家都一起熱,一起流汗 。想逃避,也逃不 了。 還好有冷氣機
.人潮很低。 。不旺。
.科幻電影,只有科幻迷才會去看。 。也是男學生的喜好吧。愛男女大致不太會去看。 不是每個類型的科幻電影,每個科幻迷都會去看。

11. 下午2點到麥當勞,也是大排長龍。 。那個套餐真的很好賣。




Monday, June 1, 2009


6月1日, 2日 是 公休, 所以就沒想要做個什麼的。。 想到那人山車海 (是的, 小頌知道不是車海,是人海。。 可一出門就會跟很多人在擠, 那麼多車在塞。。 就把它們歸為人山車海咯) 就覺得宅在家里也是一種休假。。


10點30分起床。。 好久沒睡到那麼遲。。 actually, 那個鬧鐘其實在6點有叫過。。 只是把它按掉, 又continue睡到飽。。

想 到如果出門去kopitiam 吃breakfast或lunch的話,又要跟人擠。。 就決定自各炒個indomee來吃。。 是把indomee煮熟跟加料後,在炒過。。 加雞肉,香腸, 雞蛋 跟青菜。。 好好吃喔。。這是小頌在大學時期最長做的料理。。 簡單但好吃。。

之 後,也沒啥事做。。 就看電視。。 那個,“國民大會” 中。。 原來, 是叫 “疼惜老婆”。。 不是怕老婆。。 還有, 人可以為對方的愛好或喜好去改變自己。。 很恐怖呢。。 一個女人因為交往不一樣的男人, 去動手術。。 割雙眼皮跟做鼻子有六次那麼多。。 聽起來就覺得很痛。。

熱到爆。。 氣象局還說要熱到九月。。 開空調想要睡個午覺也還是覺得太熱。。 paiseh, 其實是被電話吵醒。。

就到dinner咯。。 做個炸豬排, 加蛋, 做三明治 來吃。。 也超好吃。。 (不害臊。。 自己誇自己。。

這樣,宅男就過了一個沒有什麼高底的假期。。 其實沒趕這個的,忙那個的。。 也滿幸福的。。

ps.. 敗犬女王, 快點給我download完。。 很想看結局。。千萬不要變成 藍色生死孌之秋天的童話。。

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

OMGs 2.. the funny and the completely absurd..

luckily the "newspapers" not only report the gloom and doom, it actually contains some lighter "news"..

1. Break-In to sleep au naturale..

Some guy broke into a house in KL and then proceeded to rob the house while the owners were sound asleep.. and after the tiring deed of robbing, he decided to sleep it off, by proceeding to strip and sleep naked.. NOTE: 1... night time is for sleeping, so you are some burglar.. 2... sleeping nude?? at the crime scene?? were you trying to leave as much evidence as possible to enable your eventual incarceration?? Try explaining that to the judge..

2. Adult Movies Disk sales down..

Durr... because of ready-availability on the internet?? maybe so, but still no matter what the level of acceptance of physically purchasing such materials is, one (actually anywhere in the world) would probably prefer if one's "extra-curricular" activities remain as private as possible.. so is this a big shocker? ?

3. Break-In 2.. in his undies..

What is it with breaking-in and nudity.. or semi-nudity?? some guy broke into a convenience store in Kuching in only his undies.. the action was caught on CCTV.. geez.. is this the new IN-thing.. to rob in the nude(ish) state?? does being in the nude afford some stealth protection to the would-be robbers from the eyes of justice?? or maybe so.. it is still a taboo subject in this neck of the woods when it comes to nudity..

4. Over-overdrafted.. let's escape..

A couple in New Zealand was mistakenly given a bank overdraft of US10 million instead of US$100,000.. they took out US$3.8 million and reported fled with the money to Hong Kong.. WOW.. US$10 million has seven 0's compared to five 0's.. that's two 0's too many.. and you wonder why we lost trust in the financial system..

well.. that's all for the time being.. hope you have a happier day after reading this.. incidentally, the world's oldest blogger of 97 passed away.. a granny from spain..

Sunday, May 24, 2009


太習慣某些事, 某些食物, 某些地方,某些味道,某些人, 某些習慣。。 真的很可怕。。

好像,改了個什麼的, 就渾身不對勁的。。不自在的。。 不舒服。。

習慣吃的炒麵, 變味了。。
習慣暍的飲料, 沒在賣了。。
習慣去的攤子, 沒擺了。。
習慣看的電視劇, 沒在播了。。
習慣用的肥皂, 改版了。。
習慣讀的雜誌, 倒閉了。。
習慣的髮型師, 不做了。。
習慣的公園, 被改建了。。
習慣的電腦, 被淘汰了。。
習慣穿的鞋, 壞掉了。。
習慣的東西, 都不一樣了。。

還好。。 習慣寫一些有的沒的。。 沒有變。。

Sunday, May 17, 2009


"Life is short.. so get out there, and GET YOURS!!!...
Jack Donaughy, 30 Rock..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i hate.. static electricity..

just a fact.. i hate to be zapped by static electricity most times when i exit my own car, and sometimes from other people's car.. ouch!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

let's McLunch..

with the current slowdown of the global economy, what better way to grease the wheels of economy than to offer at a lower price the same parcel of goods - same quantity, same enjoyment.. but at a reduced rate.. and the result??

THE McValue Lunch sets from McDonald's.. actually the offer has been on for a while with limited meal set selections, but recently it was refreshed with the inclusion of the other "STAR" meal sets, but not at the same budget price of RM5.95 (RM6.25 after tax).. instead, prices start from RM5.95 per meal set..

what's attractive or blog-able about this? apart from the savings and the never-ending queue (from 12.00p.m. to 3.00 p.m.).. Mc-D is giving away free iPhone 3Gs to the most popular blogs on the topic.. so i guess i'm here doing a shameless plug of the meals in the hope of winning an iPhone 3G..

but the economics and strategy behind this campaign is quite effective.. instead of charging full price, a lowered margin actually creates more demand and thus effectively selling more.. their profits won't suffer and they are selling a lot more.. before, people would buy a-la-carte.. but as its name McValue suggest, it is quite worthwhile to get the meal set..

i do have a little bone to pick.. the staff at some outlets are ill-equipped to handle the big crowds.. and sometimes, the food goes cold..

but nevertheless.. YUMMY..

p/s look up the info for the competition HERE.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

a wish.. of health and happiness.. to mom..

"A mom forgives us all our faults, not to mention one or two we don't even have."-Robert Brault

Thursday, May 7, 2009

我是老外。。hami?? not ang-mor la..

there was this advertisement in taiwan which used the catch-phrase.. "人人叫我老外。。“ to label those who eat outside.. 外食族。。 because of work reasons, i too have joined the 外食一族。。 也變成老外

actually, eating meals outside is sometimes a bit of a chore.. while there are choices aplenty, sometimes you only eat those few types of food.. and after a while, you would get bored..

and when you do.. yours truly would cook something.. for instance.. this 貧民牛排。。 hey.. it's the economic crisis, and what better way to save then to cook a relatively cheap piece of meat.. enjoy it in natural breeze (no air conditioning.. too expensive).. while watching a downloaded copy of wolfie (er.. er.. er.. enough said.. )..

of course.. once in a while, you will miss mom's cooking.. granted, is those 家常小炸。。but it is the effort and love put into making those dishes that makes them incomparable to anything in this world..

but, as i see my parents grow older.. i think it is a luxury, and a privilege.. to be able to eat those dishes..

so.. in tandem with mothers' day and the upcoming fathers' day.. i think it would only be fit to wish all parents a happy parents' day..

and that you should know every son and daughter appreciate the dishes that you have prepared all throughout their lives..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

drastic time calls for DRASTIC MEASURES..

by now, everyone has heard of the H1N1 flu/influenza A/swine flu/Mexican flu.. as previously blogged, this spread of disease's status is rapidly being upgraded.. soon to level 6 on WHO's scale - to pandemic (not to worry.. it means that we must be vigilant.. it does not mean the end of the world)..

every country/territory responds differently.. more interestingly is how HONG KONG has responded when a guest fell ill from the aforementioned influenza.. the entire hotel where he had stayed before was locked down for seven days (isolation precaution), trapping its 300 occupants inside..

everyone involved (or movement-challenged) tried to stay sane by blogging, taking telephone interviews from overseas media; and so on, and so forth.. but is this action a bit drastic?? maybe SO.. but the HONG KONG and many ASIAN governments have beforehand experienced first-hand the SARS epidermic, which they felt helpless when it hit.. now with what would appear to be similar if not more deadly conditions, the government(s) immediate actions to quarantine is an all out effort to contain the disease..

what are my personal thoughts?? maybe if i were a tourist/businessman, i would not have wanted my time in HONG KONG to be spent locked-down in a hotel.. but hey.. the HK government had thought fit to gift these inconvenienced people.. "The guests have also been offered free stays at other city hotels, calling cards, a travel card each valued at HK$100 and a free ride to the airport. If that wasn't enough, each of them will today also get a "gift set", with free movie coupons and admission tickets to Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland and Ngong Ping Cable Car."

IT IS NOT ABOUT THE FREEBIES.. it is about containing a possible threat..

but seriously.. if i were in that hotel.. given full board and access to wifi.. a nice bedroom.. not much to worry about.. maybe this little stay-in is acceptable.. plus the added freebies don't hurt..

heck.. what am i on about??


p.s. i have since been updated that companies regard the "quarantined" period as days off, to be deducted from annual leave..

Thursday, April 30, 2009

happy labour day.. LESS we complain..

tomorrow, May 1.. is mayday.. is labour day.. a day when we celebrate the contribution of the labour workforce towards the development of our respective beloved countries..

it is also a time for many who are without employment to ponder the meaning of the day.. that it was supposed to acknowledge the economic and social achievements of workers, instead it has become a time to scramble and go all out to hunt down employment possibilities..

so for the lucky us who remained in the labour force even though many within our ranks have fallen to the dreaded Rs.. recession, right-sizing, restructuring, retrenchment,.. need i go on??

LESS us complain.. be thankful of not having to worry as much.. and let us all try our very best to help pull ourselves and those that have fallen OUT of this mess.. so that come next labour day.. we can really pat ourselves with having really rescued the world out of the current global economic crisis and the many victims it claimed along the way..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

fear.. of the "what if"..

we are all being consumed by FEAR right now.. fear of the H1N1 flu spreading to our shores.. fear of collapse of this and that.. fear of depreciations of this and that.. fear of diminishing returns to this and that.. fear of the "what if's"...

so we are faced with yet another challenging chapter in human history with the 'what if H1N1 became a super virus that could spread so quickly it would decimate most of the global population' scenario.. YES, we should be prepared for the worst case scenario.. but have worrying and fearing taken over our common sense??

i read recently an article of a woman in New York who let her 9-year old boy ride the New York Subway alone carrying the guidelines that of New York Subway Authorities or something.. the guidelines did state that it allows over 8 year-olds to travel alone.. the woman let her child ride one stop, and that she was there to greet him at the next stop.. but upon the child leaving the following stop, he was accompanied by officers who posted a barrage of "what if" questions to the lady that at the end, the child decided to ask his mother to accompany him next time.. he was more bothered by the officers' non-stop questions than being in the subway alone..

so here's my point.. we have become a little timid, a little bit less adventurous, a little bit scared too easily.. granted the global events of the past decade have slowly reshaped our believes, but we should not be living like this..

true.. the world is a more dangerous place than it was many years ago.. but it is not to say the world has changed so drastically that it is so unsafe.. precautions, proper education and common sense must prevail..

in the case of the current H1N1 flu.. more and more scientific information has been released suggesting that though deadly, preventative measures can be taken.. the is no need to panic (just yet).. and nor should one FEAR the "what if's"..

human race has survived many trials and tribulations.. and it will survive this one..

as the movie tagline goes.. carpe diem..

let's be vigilant..

it is a bit distressing to know that we are yet facing another disease that is getting so much media coverage.. the SWINE FLU.. but since it was firstly detected in mexico and the world swine is offensive to some parties, i think i'd stick to MEXICAN FLU (advance apologies to the country)..

according to WIKI..

Swine influenza (also swine flu) refers to influenza caused by any strain of the influenza virus endemic in pigs (swine). Strains endemic in swine are called swine influenza virus (SIV).

Swine flu is common in swine and rare in humans. People who work with swine, especially people with intense exposures, are at risk of catching swine influenza if the swine carry a strain able to infect humans. However, these strains rarely are able to pass from human to human. Rarely, SIV mutates into a form able to pass easily from human to human. The strain responsible for the 2009 swine flu outbreak is believed to have undergone such a mutation.

In humans, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of influenza and ofinfluenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort. The strain responsible for the 2009 swine flu outbreak in most cases causes only mild symptoms and the infected person recovers fully in a few days.

Of the three genera of human flu, two are endemic also in swine:Influenzavirus A (common) and Influenzavirus C (rare). Influenzavirus Bhas not been reported in swine. Within Influenzavirus A and Influenzavirus C, the strains endemic to swine and humans are largely distinct.

therefore, let us all be vigilant.. if and when you yourself or your friends and kin exhibit the aforementioned symptoms or suspect of being infected by the flu, please consult a doctor..